Saturday, October 15, 2011

Where do I get off Saying that Atheists and "Believers" have Lot in Common?

Simply put, both sides of the debate believe that conditions existed for the creation of the Universe.
"Believers" simply call these conditions God, YHWH, Allah, or whatever word a cultures of the world have chosen to use.

The real difference is in the behavior of the conditions that allowed existence.
Atheists would argue though that there is no force intervening with the normal procedure of events in the Universe.

I've come to learn though that because we are here, many scientist believe that there is not separate force that intervenes with worldly events but would also suggest that there is a God which is existence and our observation of the concept allows our interaction with the Universe to the point where it is as if the Universe is living and interacting with us.  So it is as if there is a personified entity even though it really just a part of our existence here.

The point is, both believers and non believers agree that we exist and there is a cause for our existence.
Although Steven Hawking's new book suggests that there is no cause for the big bang and that quantum mechanics offers proof of that because electrons can pop in and out of existence randomly without cause or reason.  But still, I would argue that that electron that popped into existence, sparking the Big Bang is what would could call and example of YHWH (I prefer this word and meaning for a creator.)  The irony is that quantum mechanics also suggest that our observation of the Universe can directly affect it's nature.

This is going to get fun.  Based on a lot of research of quantum mechanics, physics, and religion I'm hoping that I will find others out there who have found some of the same theories or considerations about the Universe and our place in it.

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